
Showing posts from December, 2019


Today when we came in class we set up the desks so that we can get back in our groups to finish our assignment. While we were finishing up our poster board he was giving feedback on the essays that we wrote individually. When he gave me feedback I took it in and will apply it to my next essay. Merry Christmas!

Understanding Themes and writing concepts

Today we were placed in groups so that we could do an activity on the novel “The Color Purple”. The activity was to write down themes, evidence, and claims portraying to the topic. This activity was actually helpful because it breaks down the themes and topics of the novel. It also helped because each one of us had to view others opinions and think outside of the box. It made me think deeper into the novel to find out more themes and evidences. This activity was fun. I enjoyed doing it. Tomorrow we take our EQT hopefully I pass it.

Reviewing essays and doing packet work

Today we came in class very enthusiastic. Our teacher told us that we would be working on the packet he gave us so that we can turn it in on Monday. The packet consists of questions about the novel “The Color Purple”. As we were doing the packet he would call us up one by one to get feedback on the essay that we wrote in class a few weeks ago. When I was called up we went through it almost smoothly. I didn’t have as many mistakes as I thought. I made a 90/100 on my essay which made me very excited. That means that I would’ve made a 8 on the AP prose writing section. That is a big accomplishment for me because at first I didn’t know how to do any of that. Today was a great day I learned and will keep on learning as much as I can.

Pop quiz

Today my teacher gave us a pop quiz on the letters we were supposed to read yesterday. I don’t do too well because I read but I didn’t read to understand my reading. We also read the novel more. After that we did an activity where the teacher gives the class three questions and answer them on our own paper. The trick was that he picked a group of five so that we each could state our answer. The class chose the BEST answer out of the five. This activity was done to help us with multiple choice questions so that we could work on choosing the BEST answer. As a class we did fairly well. I think we need to work on it more as a whole. All in all it was a productive day in AP lit.

Reading The Color Purple and analyzing prompts

Today we spent our class time rereading the letters from the day before so that we could analyze some questions that may be on the AP exam. For the most part the questions that we encountered were not that difficult. The only difficult part is providing a theme that would work for the prompt and novel. Also answering the prompt can be hard. I say this because when writing one may beat around the bush instead of answering the prompt that is stated. We didn’t get to continue reading the novel so we were assigned to read it for homework.

Reading TheColor Purple

Today we had a class discussion on the letters we read yesterday of “The Color Purple”. We analyzed and answered critical questions on the last letters that we have read. After we were done answering questions we continued to read the novel. The novel is becoming interesting and open. I am learning more about the characters and what they symbolize in the novel. “The Color Purple” is a great novel. It is not very complex, it is also very opened and straight forward. I can’t wait to finish it and see the outcomes of everyone’s life in the novel.

Reading the COLOR PURPLE

Today we finished some group work from last week. After the group work we continued to read “The Color Purple”. The novel is getting more and more interesting as we go. We are finding out a lot of things that we didn’t know in the beginning. Celie is becoming stronger and smarter as the novel progresses. I made this assumption because of how the author is progressing her writing in the letters. Celies letters are getting better for as grammar wise. I find that skill very interesting and difficult for the author but she made it work. Tomorrow we will continue reading and I hope it is even more better than today.

Reading The Color Purple

Today was a productive day in class. When we walked in my instructor handed us a pop quiz which was reading a poem and answering ten questions relating to it. I made a 100 on it. I thought that it was very easy, most of it was common sense. After we took the quiz we continued our reading of the color purple. In the letters we read today Celine was telling Suge what happened to her as a child and why she is where she is now. These letters well are very powerful and use powerful language. The language is Explicit but it has a point of showing what really happened. As a case in point those letters were very interesting and I hope to read more tomorrow.

Teacher Absent

Teacher Absent.