
Showing posts from January, 2020

Poem dayyyyy

I really enjoyed class today. We read poems written by Mya Angelou. Her poems are really inspiring me to take advantage and embrace my black culture even more than I do now. I’m starting to love analyzing and reading poems everyday. We had great discussions as a class today. I lived how everyone was participating. I had fun today in class and I am looking forward to tomorrow’s lesson and activities.

Poem and quiz day

Today we took a multiple choice quiz. I did well on it I felt as if it wasn’t difficult. After we took it and went over the correct answers in class it opened my eyes up a little more about process of elimination. I used process of elimination and it helped a lot. After we took a quiz we read a poem. The poem wasn’t hard but it was some lines I didn’t understand. As we analyzed it I understood it more. All in all I’m was a productive day in AP literature.

Good day

Today was a good day in AP literature. My teacher was back from his trip with his wife. Today we talked about how songs are important. Also how songs set the mood for certain situations of ones life.  We wrote down ten songs that are meaningful to us. My first song was Maxwell-A woman’s work. I chose that song because everytime I hear it I think about my favorite movie Love and Basketball. I really enjoyed what we did today. We also read a poem and analyzed it. It was a good poem not difficult to understand. All in all I had a great day in class.

Sub work

Today I worked on my assignment from yesterday. We had to read and answer some questions based off of a take from the Canterbury Tales. The questions wasn’t difficult, the required a little bit more thinking than I thought but I finished them to my best ability. After I finished my work I just relaxed and did some work for my other Classes. Then I realized that we had to finish the cluster we started on as a group and write two paragraphs. I gathered my group members and we sat and tried to figure out what to write and where we left off. However we didn’t so I just took it home and worked on it there. All in all it was a good day in AP literature.

Multiple choice

Today we took a quiz on pros multiple choice passage. Reading and understanding the passage was not as difficult as I thought it would be. The most important thing I know that I need to work on is vocabulary. The reason I say that is because it was hard understanding the question based on the word choice. During the process of taking the quiz I used process of elimination to answer the questions. That method is very helpful especially when one is not understanding the question or answer choices. After the quiz we worked in groups to compare and contrast our group member answers. When comparing our answers we came up with the best answer for each question and turned our paper in. Later my teacher passed out the scores and I saw that I made a 100. I was so excited. We learned a lot today in class. Hopefully we learn and have fun next time.

Reflecting today

Today we

Pop quiz day

Today my teacher surprised us with a a pop quiz on a take that we have been reading in class. I passed the quiz with a 100. After we took the quiz we went over the quiz. We also went over multiple choice questions and how to answer them using process of elimination. The class discussed why we chose the answers that we chose so that we can pick the best answer next time we take multiple choice tests. All in all it was a great day in AP literature.

Cantabury Tales

Today’s lesson was on

Today’s lesson

Today we read the Canterbury Tales “The woman of the baths”. I really enjoyed the story about the knight and the queen. It left me with many morals or lessons learned for real life situations. There were also some powerful themes based off of this tale. After we read the tale we were giving a quiz on it. The quiz consisted of 12 multiple choice questions. The quiz wasn’t really difficult for the most part it was common Sense. I made a 100 on my quiz today because I used process of elimination. Also because I payed great attention to what we were reading in class. All in all it was a good productive day in AP literature.

Effort or Everything

Today we watched a encouraging video on how effort is everything. I learned a lot from this video. I learned that one does not have to be the smartest to achieve the goals that they have set for themselves. We also went over information about the Canterbury Tales which we will be reading in class. All in all it was a good productive day in AP Lit.

First Day Back

Today in class we focused on acknowledging the people around us. We also talked about finishing high school the right way. Consisting of  making it the best times of our lives. I learned that working is important but breaks are also important We answered questions pertaining to this year and past years og our high school year.