
Showing posts from February, 2020

The Kite Runner chapters 1-3

The kite runner chapter 1 is just a flashback on the speakers life leading on to why he became the person he is today. Chapter 2 consists of the speaker describing his friend Hassan. From the description of the speaker Hassan is very poor and less fortunate. Hassan and the speaker are somewhat best friends. This chapter also describes the speakers family and him. These chapters were interesting because it gave background information on the main characters. All in all these 3 chapters are explaining the characters and their living situations.



Poem day

Today we read and analyzed poems written by Maya Angelou and Langston Hughes. The poems we read were not difficult. We analyzed them as a class so I got a better understanding of what the speaker was trying to convey. Although it got a little boring I stayed up and participated in class. Those poems were very moving. They inspired me to keep pushing through the good and the bad days. I enjoyed the lesson today in class hopefully I’ll enjoy it tmr as well.

Composing Essay

Today we composed the second part of our essay. We composed the second paragraph. Composing the paragraph wasn’t hard. I just used the checklist that my teacher taught me. After we got done we turned it in. After grading other students papers from other schools we graded our peers. Grading the papers of my classmates really brings onsite to their thoughts and process of writing. Someone graded my paper as a four out of nine. I felt that I couldn’t did better with my commentary and diction. All in all today was a productive day in class.