
Showing posts from August, 2018

A Scientific Look at the Thur-hiker PCT Communicator

      Summary                                                                       Thru-hiking is hiking a long distance trail end to end within one hiking season. A thru-hiker is primarily an inhabitant of North America. They are found in the tundras, mountains, rocky cliffs, and desert canyons. A thru-hiker is typically thin, excessively hairy, and darker skinned. The gear of a thur-hiker is usually consisted of tools to make their meals, footwear, and tools to make fire. Thur-hikers are known to eat mostly everything with a lot of calories, such as sweets, meat, pizza, and beer.  Many thur-hikers may be seen alone in social settings, they are strong individuals, but they also have a strong smell. The lifespan of a thur-hiker is typically 85 years in the wild. 3 Facts I’ve learned Thur-hikers are found in North America, the lifespan of a thur-hiker is 85 years of age, and a thur-hikers IQ is almost always lower as the trip progresses. Interesting things I’ve learned Two


                  Hello, my name is Emyria Harris. I am 16 years old, I’m the oldest out of all six of my siblings, and im a very goofy and a well spirited person to be around. Some activities that love to do are play sports, learn, and make the people happy. Taking advance placement classes gives me more of an opportunity to get an academic scholarship and prepares me for my ACT to get into a great college. Taking these courses also helps me get out of my comfort zone; its going to teach me to get out my comfort zone by challenging myself in everything that I do in life. This school year my main three goals are to maintain a 3.4 and above gpa, work hard in both school and basketball, and to grow  more as a young lady or young adult. Learning how to think and act very maturely and how to handle situations in a calm and mature manner, because growing up you realize not everything and everyone needs a reaction from you.