A Scientific Look at the Thur-hiker PCT Communicator

Thru-hiking is hiking a long distance trail end to end within one hiking season. A thru-hiker is primarily an inhabitant of North America. They are found in the tundras, mountains, rocky cliffs, and desert canyons. A thru-hiker is typically thin, excessively hairy, and darker skinned. The gear of a thur-hiker is usually consisted of tools to make their meals, footwear, and tools to make fire. Thur-hikers are known to eat mostly everything with a lot of calories, such as sweets, meat, pizza, and beer.  Many thur-hikers may be seen alone in social settings, they are strong individuals, but they also have a strong smell. The lifespan of a thur-hiker is typically 85 years in the wild.

3 Facts I’ve learned
Thur-hikers are found in North America, the lifespan of a thur-hiker is 85 years of age, and a thur-hikers IQ is almost always lower as the trip progresses.

Interesting things I’ve learned

Two interesting things that I’ve learned from reading this article are that thur-hikers are a a quiet breed and that they have a complex thought processing unit, but demonstrates its use sparingly.

Unanswered questions

What is usually the procedure when a wild animal tries to attack?
How heavy do thur-hikers backpacks tend to be when traveling?

2 important words

1. Introspective - Characterized by or given to introspection.
2. Decipher - To make out the meaning of.

These words are important so that you can get an understanding on what a thur-hiker is.


A connection that I’ve made after reading this text was how thur-hikers are stereotyped as being homeless. As a female athlete people will stereotype you as being gay or mean based on how you look in their eyes.


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