
Showing posts from October, 2019

Work keys

Today I wasn’t in class because I had to take my work keys. The test had three parts to it. It really wasn’t difficult at all. I went through it carefully and made sure I had most of them right so that I could make a good grade. I really didn’t want to miss class today but I had no other choice. Hopefully didn’t miss anything major.


Today we read a poem called “Mirror” by Sylvia Plath. The poem is about self perception and disbelief.  After we got done reading the poem my instructor gave us an assignment. The assignment was to look in our camera and write down what we see in our reflection. Here’s what I wrote.   When I look in the mirror I see a beautiful black Queen with pretty succulent lips and a nice smile. I see a hound lady who doesn’t takes any mess from anyone, a young lady who will soon be powerful and beyond successful in everything that she does. I see a fierce young lady who has no flaws.

Group activity day

Today my instructor put us in groups of 3 and 4 so that we could complete our activity. Our activity was to make a claim about a characters ideal of the world and what is meant by it. My groups character was Cory, Troys son. We came up with a claim and found evidence as well as commentary. During the process it wasn’t that hard the only hard thing about it was incorporating my other group members opinions. So we all worked together and had a good outcome on our claim eveidence and paragraph. All in all it was a good and productive day in AP lit.


Today we finished the play Fences. Overall it was a very great play with a lot of great morals and themes. It was actually one of the best plays we have read in class. I like this play more because of the time period and the characters and the message of the play. After we read we discussed the play and my teacher gave us an assignment. The assignment is to act out a scene in the play with our group members. I think that we are going to have a great time. All in all o had a fun productive day in AP Lit.

Reading poems

Today our teacher was out sick so we had to read out of the literature book and answer the questions that go along with it. The poems we read were not as difficult because we went over them earlier in the school year. Answering the questions was not as difficult as well. All in all it was a productive day.

Reviewing standards and Reading the play Fences

Today we discussed and went over how to do the standards as of answering the questions and prompts given to us. We also discussed how we could compare and relate this questions to the play that we are reading. While reading the play we asked ourselves those questions so that when we came across them on the AP exam we would know how to word and site our evidence. All in all it was a productive day in class and I can’t wait to finish the play that we are reading.


Today we was reading a play called fences. I really like the play it’s interesting and funny. As we read we write down questions that we have about the play in our notebooks. We also discussed characters and there roles in the play. Tomorrow we will continue to read the play and discuss.