Lesson Before Dying:Reflection Ch.3-6

Chapter 3: In chapter 3 Grant drives Tante Lou and Miss Emma to Mr.Pichot’s plantation which Miss Emma had worked on so that she can influence him to let Grant visit Jefferson in jail. All to teach Jefferson how to be a man. I think that was a good idea because even tho Jefferson is a dead man walking he will be able to die as a man. 

Chapter 4: In chapter 4 I feel that Grant was wrong for not staying for his aunts dinner. He was being a little to hurtful because of the fact that he did not want to do it. Grant had a lot on his mind dealing with Jefferson’s death sentence  and going to see Vivian. 

Chapter 5: Grant is very frustrated about Jefferson’s situation. While he’s teaching he takes his frustration out on his students. With all of that stress and frustration built up inside of him Grant hits one of his students only because he was taking too long on a math problem. I thought that Grant was being very unprofessional.

Chapter 6: In this chapter Grant goes to talk to the Sheriff, Sam Guidry, about visiting Jefferson before he is executed. Grant has been waiting for two hours to have a word with the sheriff so he became very impatient. If I was in that situation I would’ve became frustrated and impatient as well. Grant finally talked to Mr.Guidry and he granted his request. 


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