
Showing posts from February, 2019

A Lesson Before Dying:Reflection:Ch14

        Chapter 14: In this chapter Vivian is at Grants house. Grant introduces her to the community and they have food. I think Grant and Vivian was having a wonderful time together. Grant falls for her even more. In the field of sugarcane Grant and Vivian make love. I think that their relationship has gotten stronger and that they will eventually be with each other forever.

A Lesson Before Dying:Reflection Ch.12-13

Chapter 12: Okayy so chapter 12 was mainly about how grant couldn’t face Miss Emma after seeing what was happening with Jefferson so grant went to a club called “rainbow” when he went to the club he ordered a beer and he also was listening to some men talk about Jackie Robinson while listening to them talk it reminded grant of the time when he was a kid and everyone use to love a boxer named “joe Louis”   And Grant tried to get Vivian to run off with him but she refuses because she’s scared to get her kids taken away from her by her husband .  Chapter Chapter 13 starts off when Grant Gerard the new character named “Miss Eloise Bouie” called Grant’s aunt so they can go to church together . Grant didn’t want to go to church so instead he tried to avoid it and had to spend his morning ignoring singing from all of the people around him .Also in this chapter Miss Emma makes Grant explain to her how it went when he went to go see Jefferson even though he lied and said Jefferson wa

My Weekend :) !!

My weekend was very exciting and knowledgeable. My girls and I made it to the sweet 16 playoffs tournament. So we took a trip to Montgomery to play Hillcrest high school. We played at ASU. The gym was so big, it was like something I always dreamed of seeing. The court was so bright and pretty. We saw many great teams compete Although we came up short it was a great experience and I’m proud of our accomplishments. 

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection:Ch.9

Chapter 9:  Grant went to take “Miss Emma” to go see Jefferson . Grant didn’t say anything to Miss Emma the whole way there because he’s still mad that his aunt got him into all of this so when they got there a Deputy named Paul searched the basket of food and stuff that Miss Emma brought and searched Grant too . When they got to the cell Jefferson was just looking at the wall while he was laying down and he ended up asking Grant was he gone be the one to jerk or turn on the switch the whole time Miss Emma tried to make it seem like she didn’t know what Jefferson was talking about but she really did. 

A Lesson Before Dying Reflection:Ch.7-8

          Chapter 7-8: While  reading chapters 7-8 I found out that there are two new characters . “Dr. Joseph Morgan “ which was the school superintendent and the second character was “Matthew Antoine “ this was Grants former teacher . When the superintendent visits Grants school he inspects the students by looking at their teeth and hands this reminded grant of how slaves were treated when they had to get checked or (inspected) . In chapter 8 is when the school got their first load of wood & also in chapter 8 When Grant watched the kids cut the wood he started thinking back to the times when he was a kid and a Comment his teacher had told him and an classmate during that time. 

Lesson Before Dying:Reflection Ch.3-6

Chapter 3: In chapter 3 Grant drives Tante Lou and Miss Emma to Mr.Pichot’s plantation which Miss Emma had worked on so that she can influence him to let Grant visit Jefferson in jail. All to teach Jefferson how to be a man. I think that was a good idea because even tho Jefferson is a dead man walking he will be able to die as a man.  Chapter 4: In chapter 4 I feel that Grant was wrong for not staying for his aunts dinner. He was being a little to hurtful because of the fact that he did not want to do it. Grant had a lot on his mind dealing with Jefferson’s death sentence  and going to see Vivian.  Chapter 5: Grant is very frustrated about Jefferson’s situation. While he’s teaching he takes his frustration out on his students. With all of that stress and frustration built up inside of him Grant hits one of his students only because he was taking too long on a math problem. I thought that Grant was being very unprofessional. Chapter 6: In this chapter Grant goes to

Reflection A Lesson Before Dying: Ch.1-3

Chapter 1 left me yearning to see what was going to happen next because I thought Jefferson’s attomey story was convincing, but the court still found Jefferson guilty for the murder of Alcee Grope. Chapter 2 introduced Grant, the narrator, who is also Tante Lou’s nephew. I didn’t like that Tante Lou made Grant go and talk to Henri pichot against his will not knowing Louis Rougon would accuse him of making Miss Emma and Tante Lou come and talk to Henri about Jefferson. From reading chapter 3 I implied that the lesson of the book would be being acknowledge for what you truly are. In Jefferson’s case a man.