Vase of Roses

Vase of Roses

My vase are filled with them.
A variety of sizes. A variety of colors. 
Kind of smooth and kind of 
rough ones. My vase has a 
plethora of  Roses🌹.

There are plenty of Roses in my vase 
that’s yearn to keep safe, but it’s 
this one rose that puts that
sparkle on my face. My vase
glows when it’s inside. Why can’t 
I control my face?!! I’m 
convinced that this is the only 
Rose 🌹 that should be in my vase. 

This Rose 🌹 is different... you know? 
This Rose 🌹 has something 
that the others don’t.
I’ve had it for a long time and doesn’t 
seem to get old. 
Will it eventually die old or stay 
forever young? UMPH...! I dare
not hold my tongue. Until
I get the perfect safe for this beautiful 
Rose 🌹. With the same vase, with the same 
sparkle on my face I know for a fact 
that this Rose 🌹 is not fake. 


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