
Showing posts from January, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Martin Luther King Jr “I have a dream” Speech

In Martin Luther King’s I have a dream speech, he makes use of many rhetorical  devises. Throughout King’s speech he uses the rhetorical devises such as pathos, repetition,  and hyperbole. King uses pathos in his speech to appeal to the audiences emotions and create a relationship with black and white children. For example “One day right here in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white girls and boys and sisters and brothers”. King appeals to the audience emotions by mentioning their children in a better situation. “To the millions of negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice” King appeals to both parents and older generations by alluding  to slavery. King uses repitition for emphasis. Repitition helps the audience comprehend his points. For example “one hundred years later” is used to represent how long the Negro people have been waiting for freedom. The repitition helps the audience track with the speech and

Vocabulary words

1. Zany-idiosyncratic 2. Lofty- imposing height 3. Jeering- making rude remarks 4. Truism- statement that is obviously true 5. Tormentors- person who inflicts seem mental suffering 6. Frolicking- play and more about cheerfully exicidetly 7. Septuagenarian- a person who is from 70-79 years old 9. Legitimate- comfirming to the law or rules 10. Inciting- to encourage or stir up

The American Dream

                      The ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to only Americans, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be Ideal achieved is the definition of the “American Dream”.  My ideal of the American dream is to be free, to be successful and to be happy. My ideal of the American dream is to have a big happy family, a big home with a white picket fence surrounding it.

Vase of Roses

Vase of Roses Roses...Roses...Roses. My vase are filled with them. A variety of sizes. A variety of colors.  Kind of smooth and kind of  rough ones. My vase has a  plethora of  Roses🌹. There are plenty of Roses in my vase  that’s yearn to keep safe, but it’s  this one rose that puts that sparkle on my face. My vase glows when it’s inside. Why can’t  I control my face?!! I’m  convinced that this is the only  Rose 🌹 that should be in my vase.  This Rose 🌹 is different... you know?  This Rose 🌹 has something  that the others don’t. I’ve had it for a long time and doesn’t  seem to get old.  Will it eventually die old or stay  forever young? UMPH...! I dare not hold my tongue. Until I get the perfect safe for this beautiful  Rose 🌹. With the same vase, with the same  sparkle on my face I know for a fact  that this Rose 🌹 is not fake. 

First Semester

One thing I learned in the first semester is how to annotate a variety of writing. One thing I need to work on is expounding my vocabulary so that when I read a complex text I can get a better understanding of what it’s about. In the second semester I hope to learn how to critically think about questions that will be giving to me on the AP exam so that I can pass. How to break down more complex questions.