A New Class At B.C.Rain

Fashion Class 

                    There should be new classes at B.C.Rain where they are able to be creative and have fun in. B.C.Rain should have a fashion class/club. Having this class gives students new ways and opportunities to express themselves. Students will learn how to make and design their own clothes. They will also be able to be creative by making their own brand for the clothes that they have created.

While I am at school I walk around and notice that students who are in art class or maybe not in art class are drawing clothes and people with their clothes on that they had made up. Therefore, having a fashion class will help the students drawings come to life. They will be able to get feed back from their peers as well as adults. Fashion class will also help save money for the school. Instead of ordering senior and junior shirts our fashion club can make them and sell them around the school for school funding. Therefore, fashion class will bring out the creatively in some students and will be very exciting. 


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